Sunday, 24 December 2017

2017: freewheeling in synchronicities

The Pilgrims' Nest is a place open to all pilgrims on their individual path of evolution, inviting them to rest their weary feet and to absorb the transforming energy of the place, to connect with nature and with a simple life style and consequently to (re)connect with their own unique authenticity...

Some years are characterized by a remarkable growth, other years are full of important changes and improvements with a lot of manual work, and other years again hold some great surprises... 2017 has been a year in which things rather went their usual, relaxed way, albeit with the necessary changes, improvements and activities, and as usual with lots of fine visitors, but the energy this year had a rather freewheeling character. Everything went fluently and effortlessly and with lots of synchronicities, usually a sign that everything is right on track. As never before things seemed to fall in place of their own. The result of course was pure enjoyment every day...

Like many a year this working year also started with a big spring bonfire. 

Early in the year some more space was created for camping.

The old shower was taken down and a new one built on the same spot, a wooden cabin with a removable, transparent roof, so the lovely feeling of showering outside in the sunshine wouldn't be lost...

Also the outdoor kitchen got completed with a real oven, some extra kitchen equipment and a proper sink.

And during the summer months a dome tent appeared, a nice project from a friend.

All ready for another season full of fine visitors and nice activities...


December. Now that the year is nearing its end, with the gate of the Nest closed and the winter chill reigning outside, the energy invites us to rest, to turn inward, to evaluate the past year, and to create a bed for the next working year with new, great meetings and interesting events. The wheel of time is turning...

Pilgrims' Nest
11580 Villardebelle, France,2.424223&spn=0.006308,0.013937
gps: 43.004953 / 2.424280

mobile: 0033 681250002